Thursday, August 19, 2010


This is going to be me in a couple weeks.. Sept 10th.. D-day.. D for Devastation... I'm not going to lie, I'm really really scared. I'm afraid of starving.. I'm afraid of having a throbbing, sore-throat for weeks.. I don't want to miss Eliza and Xander's soccer games.. but most of all I'm afraid i'm going to lose my singing voice.. Singing is the absolute for me.. The very thing i could die doing, Perfectly happy, singing my heart out.. It scares me to think that there's a chance, however minuet that that can be gone forever.
I dont want to toot my own horn, but if u havent heard me sing, you would understand my fear. there are alot of things im NOT good at, but singing definitely is one of the things I am good at.. down right Amazing.. Sorry if im sounding conceded about my gift, but if u understood what i could be risking you would understand. I heard its a very small possibility but its still a possibility. Im very worried. I would rather lose my sense of taste than my ability to sing!! ugh!


  1. Is that a before or after picture. Sad that I haven't heard you sing before!!
