Friday, November 13, 2009

New School, New Town, New Experiences...

So Xander just finished his second week at his new school. He is going to bellview! the same school i went to many moons ago! He is loving it.. They have always said that smell is the sense that has the most memory and they are totally right! I walked into Bellview and all of these memories came back.. Walking down the hallway I can remember where they had the 6th grade candy sale on fridays after school. The Table i sat at at lunch and the librarian.. Mrs. Eldridge is his teacher and although he totally misses Mrs. Benson He LOVES Mrs. Eldridge! So today i finally got up the courage to let Xander ride the bus! I walked him to the bus stop and waved him goodbye! What an exciting day for him! Today was early day so i had my dad drop me off at the school and Bus Driver Joe allowed me to ride home with them. WE are at stop number 4! ITs so nice!

1 comment:

  1. how fun to ride the bus home with him; love it! and crazy that he is going to you same school - how sweet is that? i'm glad he's enjoying it - do you notice any differences in the CO schools versus the UT schools? it's probably too early to tell, and in kindergarten their might not be too many differences anyways?

    cute, cute. and i totally agree about smells - i can smell something anywhere and be transported to a totally different time and place. :)
