Monday, September 27, 2010

My words exactly..


 So, WE have been living in my parents basement for almost a year now. And every day it is getting more and more frustrating.. Im constantly bieng told that my parenting skills are less than satisfactory. Especially when it comes to one kid in particular. Xander, I am never right. I am always doing something wrong. Including but not limited too, School, Discipline. I was told "I think your wrong" and then hung up on. Its starting to wear on me, I feel my skin getting thinner as the days get closer and closer to a year mark. I dont know if we will ever be able to move out..

  I cannot wait for the day, when IM the boss of my own kids.. In my own household.. Hopefully soon. WE have almost paid off some debt and then we are on our own! *crosses fingers*
   I hate to say it, but moving back to Utah was our biggest mistake.. We had such a good life there. Money was often tight, but Jason was home EVERYDAY. I had friends that absolutly loved me. I was so priveladged to get to know them.. I miss them..
   I have made one really good friend next door and Its made everyday life a lot easier. But still.. Im ready to get back to My OWN life.. and MY OWN Rules!!


  1. We moved out of the Bromley's house by you in March livin with family is a NIGHTMARE!!!! I feel for you! Hang in there!

  2. We always think once we 'grow up' and have our own family, life will be perfect... NOT! BUT, life is good! You have a very handsome husband who loves you very much and is working his butt off to help pay off debt so you CAN move out. And your children are beautiful, caring, sweet, healthy kids! And even though it's a pain to be with your parents right now, at least you have somewhere to go. You're safe and loved. Right? Always remember I love you!! Hope to see you soon.
